Security Course List

Listed Below is the list of courses approved by your company

New Hires

12 Hr Pre Assignment Training

A 12Hr required course for all security officers within 21 days of the start of employment 

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Current Employees


All  courses below satisfy the state requirement of 6 Hr continuing cducation training every year 


6 Hr Continued Education

A 6Hr Refresher of the 12Hr Pre Assignment Training Course 

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Active Shooter

A 6hr Continuing Ed. Course , Based on the Dept of Homeland Securitys - IS907 Course for Active Shooters 

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Ethics / Use of Force / Emergency Response

A 6Hr Continued Ed. course covering ethics, use of force and response for security officers 

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First Aid / CPR / AED

6hr Course - American Red Cross Course on First Aid / CPR and use of an AED 

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